Home: Computers: Communities
- BrainBuzz.com - An interactive community for network engineers, software developers and Java that combines news and product updates, tech centers and discussion boards, training and certification and IT jobs.
- HeyNetwork.com - A community-based network of
services focusing on new web users and families; introduces new web
users to e-commerce and online communication; features games, educational content, and controlled e-mail.
- SuperFriends.com - An imaginative and resourceful
online site for friends and groups to gather on the Internet;
Unlike other community sites, SuperFriends.com is for groups who already have established relationships. The person who starts the initial website invites their friends and other group members to join.
- Vicinities.com - Internet service that makes it easy to connect groups in customizable, collaborative, and private communities; members can bring together friends, family, colleagues, students; engage in discussions, share notes, store lists, exchange files.
- VirtuousLife.com - Asian online community featuring forums, chat, singles link, health, science, computers, programming, humor, cartoons, religion, employment, and literature.