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  • APBnews.com - Media outlet to focus exclusively on one of the most intensely followed and popular genres across all demographics - police and crime news; the Internet news service reports on crime, justice and safety.
  • Crime.com - A one-stop destination for news, information and entertainment relating to crime. You will find listings of the following: state sex offender lists, local and international Most Wanted information, local and national crime statistics, crime-related news, Top Cop award winners, police and prison locators, travel warnings, and a background check feature that lets you weed out the bad apples.
  • Police - The Law Enforcement Magazine - The site offers an interrogation room where the viewer can answer the question of the month and possibly win a prize; a different survey each month to promote feedback; tips on items such as fitness, diet and managing daily routines in a health corner; links to related sites. www.policemag.com is a user-friendly site that offers current information on all aspects of the law enforcement industry.